1. Introduction
This document contains, in rough form, notes on upgrading from Minivend 3 to Minivend 4, and Minivend 4 to Interchange.
2. Interchange 4.8 Deprecated Features
This document describes features of Interchange 4.8 that have been deprecated. Any use of these features should be discontinued. In most cases we have provided an alternative mechanism to accomplish the same results. These deprecated features may be removed at some point in the future. You should change to the new mechanism to avoid breakage.
2.1. Deprecated Features Previous to Interchange 4
This section needs some serious work.
cart/page from path
interchange.PL 308,313
if($path =~ s:/(.*)::) { $cart = $1; if($cart =~ s:/(.*)::) { $page = $1; } }
interchange.PL 321,323
$CGI::values{mv_nextpage} = $CGI::values{mv_orderpage} || find_special_page('order') if ! $CGI::values{mv_nextpage};
interchange.PL 493
HTML::Entities::decode($value) if $decode;
interchange.PL 854,855
$CGI::values{mv_nextpage} = $CGI::values{mv_orderpage} if $CGI::values{mv_orderpage};
intechange.PL 1552,1579
ROUTINES: { last ROUTINES unless index($Vend::FinalPath, '/process/') == 0; while ($Vend::FinalPath =~ s:/process/(locale|language|currency)/([^/]*)/:/process/:) { $::Scratch->{"mv_$1"} = $2; } $Vend::FinalPath =~ s:/process/page/:/:; } my $locale; if($locale = $::Scratch->{mv_language}) { $Global::Variable->{LANG} = $::Variable->{LANG} = $locale; } if ($Vend::Cfg->{Locale} and $locale = $::Scratch->{mv_locale} and defined $Vend::Cfg->{Locale_repository}->{$locale} ) { $Global::Variable->{LANG} = $::Variable->{LANG} = $::Scratch->{mv_language} = $locale if ! $::Scratch->{mv_language}; Vend::Util::setlocale( $locale, ($::Scratch->{mv_currency} || undef), { persist => 1 } ); }
lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm 2808
list_compat($opt->{prefix}, \$text);
lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm 3538
list_compat($opt->{prefix}, \$text);
lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm 3874
list_compat($opt->{prefix}, \$page);
lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm 3270,3271
$text =~ /^\s*\[sort\s+.*/si and $opt->{sort} = find_sort(\$text);
lib/Vend/Order.pm 867,868
$body = readin($::Values->{mv_order_report}) if $::Values->{mv_order_report};
lib/Vend/Order.pm 1030
$::Values->{"mv_error_$var"} = $message;
2.2. Interchange 4 Deprecated Features
Vend::Util::send_mail Vend::Order::send_mail send_mail
The send_mail routine has been replaced by the Vend::Mail::send routine.
3. Upgrading from Minivend 4.0 to Interchange 4.6
if [item-price] suddenly turns 0, check PriceField in the catalog.cfg
3.1. minivend.cfg
- Remove references to MiniMate.
- Add this line to minivend.cfg:
#include lib/UI/ui.cfg
Make sure the files catalog_before.cfg and catalog_after.cfg are there, or add their contents to etc/your_cat_name.before and etc/your_cat_name.after to it only for some catalogs.
3.2. Access Manager
You need to get the minimate.asc file renamed to access.asc and add the following fields to the first line:
groups last_login name password
Remove these catalog.cfg lines:
Variable MINIMATE_META mv_metadata Variable MINIMATE_TABLE minimate Database minimate minimate.asc TAB
Add this one:
Database affiliate affiliate.txt TAB
Authentication for admin users is now done from a separate table than customers, and passwords are encrypted.
3.3. Database Editing
Update the mv_metadata.asc file as appropriate.
3.4. Order Manager
Some things that are needed for the order manager:
- Add these fields to transactions:
affiliate approx. char(32) archived char(1) campaign approx. char(32) comments blob/text complete char(1) deleted char(1) order_wday char(10) order_ymd char(8) po_number approx. char(32)
- Add these fields to transactions:
affiliate approx. char(32) campaign approx. char(32)
- Remove this field from userdb:
- Add these fields to userdb:
inactive char(1) credit_limit char(14) or decimal(12,2) dealer char(3)
- Create the directory 'logs'.
- Create the directory 'orders' if it doesn't already exist.
- Update your order routes to those in the Interchange distribution. Note that the route log_entry is necessary if you want to enter orders from the Interchange UI.
- Update the etc/log_transaction file.
- Add the etc/log_entry file.
- Add this to catalog.cfg:
## Don't want people setting their credit_limit directly UserDB default scratch "credit_limit dealer"
3.5. Affiliates
Add a tab-delimited affiliate table:
affiliate name campaigns join_date url timeout active password
You can find a recommended database configuration in foundation/dbconf/*/affiliate.*.
3.6. Page Editor
Add the directories 'templates' and 'backup'. Copy the contents of the Interchange simple/templates to templates.
3.7. Item Editor
Add a merchandising table with the following fields:
Database merchandising merchandising.txt __SQLDSN__ Database merchandising DEFAULT_TYPE text sku char(32) featured char(32) banner_text banner_image blurb_begin blurb_end timed_promotion char(16) start_date char(24) finish_date char(24) upsell_to cross_sell cross_category char(64) others_bought times_ordered
Index the fields with char(*) types. You can find the recommended database configuration in foundation/dbconf/*/merchandising.*
3.8. Preferences Editor (KNAR)
Create the tab-delimited file variable.txt with these fields:
code Variable pref_group
Add this as the *first* line of catalog.cfg:
VariableDatabase variable
3.9. Route Editor
Create the file route.txt with these fields:
code report receipt encrypt_program encrypt pgp_key pgp_cc_key cyber_mode credit_card profile inline_profile email attach counter increment continue partial supplant track errors_to
Add this line in catalog.cfg:
RouteDatabase route
3.10. Transactions database
The back office UI should work fine for editing database tables. Obviously the things which are specific to the order transaction setup will break unless you have the right fields, but even these can be controlled by configuring the UI.
Add a new field to transaction.txt called 'archived'.
4. Upgrading from Minivend 3 to Minivend 4
There were big changes from Minivend 3 to Minivend 4, some of which were incompatible.
Many things were removed as redundant, deprecated, or just plain crufty:
4.1. Nested [loop]s
MV3 used a different scheme for creating nested loop lists:
[loop with="-a"* arg="item item item" search="se=whatever"]
allowed you to refer to the nested values with a [loop-code-a] construct. In Minivend 4, the form is:
[loop prefix=size list="Small Medium Large"] [loop prefix=color list="Red White Blue"] [color-code]-[size-code]<BR> [/loop] <P> [/loop]
4.2. All frame features removed
Frames are now managed by the user in HTML.
4.3. Tags removed
4.3.1. buttonbar
Replace with Variable defined in catalog.cfg. buttonbar was previously used as an SSI-like command for catalog-wide standardized features like navigation bars. In the 3.x catalog.cfg the ButtonBars parameter defines a list of html snippets, like
ButtonBars header.html footer.html copyright.html
So [buttonbar 0] substitutes 'header.html', [buttonbar 1] substitutes 'footer.html', etc.
In 4.x catalog.cfg, define variables, like
Variable HEADER <pages/header Variable FOOTER <pages/footer Variable COPYRIGHT <pages/copyright
Then replace all occurences of [buttonbar 0] with __HEADER__, [buttonbar 1] with __FOOTER__, etc.
Note that the old header.html, footer.html, etc. contained html code, but were not actually html pages with <html><body> etc, tags. Thus the current practice is to use filenames with no extension or perhaps '.txt' to differentiate them from pages.
4.3.2. random
Replace with [ad random=1] or custom code. See the [ad] tag docs. Random and rotate were used to place random or rotating regions on pages, such as banner ads.
The Random durective in catalog.cfg defines the numbered HTML snippet files, similar to buttonbars above.
4.3.3. rotate
Replace with [ad ...]. See [random] above.
4.3.4. help
No replacement. Use data functions or variables.
4.3.5. body
Replace with templates. Again the body tag [body 1] etc. defines numbered body definitions that could be applied site-wide. However, in this case minivend actually built up the <body ....> substitution using the Mv_* directives in catalog.cfg.
4.3.6. finish_order
[finish_order] was a conditional tag; if the basket contained anything a 'checkout' graphic would be displayed. No replacement; use [if items]Message[/if].
4.3.7. last_page
No replacement - this can be emulated by setting a scratch variable on one page, then using it to build the return URL.
4.3.8. item-link
No replacement, just use [page [item-code]].
4.3.9. loop-link
No replacement, just use [page [loop-code]].
4.3.10. sql-link
No replacement, just use [page [sql-code]].
4.3.11. accessories
Replace with normal data functions.
4.3.12. Compatibility routines
Compatibility routines for many popular tags like [random], [rotate], etc. are provided in the appendix of this document. To use one, copy it to a file and put it in your usertag directory. (Tags in the usertag directory are read in by interchange.cfg by default).
4.4. Directives removed
ActionMap AdminDatabase AdminPage AsciiBackend BackendOrder ButtonBars CheckoutFrame CheckoutPage CollectData DataDir Delimiter DescriptionTrim FieldDelimiter FrameFlyPage FrameLinkDir FrameOrderPage FrameSearchPage ItemLinkDir ItemLinkValue MsqlDB MsqlProducts Mv_AlinkColor Mv_Background Mv_BgColor Mv_LinkColor Mv_TextColor Mv_VlinkColor NewReport NewTags OldShipping OrderFrame PageCache PriceDatabase Random ReceiptPage RecordDelimiter ReportIgnore Rotate SearchFrame SearchOverMsg SecureOrderMsg SpecialFile SubArgs Tracking
4.5. Minor operations removed
- auto-substitution of mp= on [loop search=profile], [search-region arg=profile]
- [tag scan]...
- [tag sql]...
Many of these are related to one of: - Removal of frames logic
- Removed tags
- Obsolete methods
- Old routines for 2.0x compatibility
4.6. Search lists
Search tags must now be surrounded by [search-region] [/search-region]. This is because multiple searches can be done in a page, with multiple [more-list] entries, multiple [no-match] areas, etc. It was not really possible to avoid this and add the feature.
To find all files containing the search list, do:
find pages -type f | xargs grep -l '\[search.list'
That will yield a set of files that need to be updated. You should surround all parts of the search area, i.e.:
[search-region] [search-list] your search iteration stuff, [item-code], etc. [/search-list] [more-list] [more] [/more-list] [/search-region]
4.7. Search conditionals
Search conditionals should now say [if-item-field field] [/if-item-field] and [if-item-data table column] [/if-item-data]. This allows mixing and nesting of lists. You may find that the old works in some situations, but it will not work in all situations.
4.8. Form data updates
Added Scratch variable mv_data_enable to gate the update_data function. You must set it before doing a form update. Prior to this it was possible to update a SQL database willy-nilly.
A quick fix like this will allow the update on a single page:
[set update_database] [set mv_data_enable]1[/set] [/set] <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_click VALUE=update_database>
It will ensure at least that the user loads one form from you for each update. For best security, gate with a userdb entry like this:
[set update_database] [if type=data term="userdb::trusted::[data session username]"] [set mv_data_enable]1[/set] [else] [set mv_data_enable]0[/set] [/else] [/if] [/set]
4.9. Checkout changes
Minivend 4 uses in-page error-flagging on the checkout page. Simplest way to convert is probably to use the checkout.html from the simple demo as a start, and move in any customization from the existing site's catalog.html (headers, footers, logos, etc.) A line-by-line comparison of the data fields in the checkout page should be performed, adding any custom fields as needed. Custom error checking in etc/order.profiles may have to be re-worked, or can be added into checkout.html using the in-page order profile capability. (Note that etc/order.profiles is called etc/profiles.order in newly-built Interchange catalogs.)
Remember to update receipt.html and report/report.html with any custom fields, as well.
4.10. [if-field] etc.
The least-compatible things in the tag area are [if-field] (needs to be [if-PREFIX-field], where prefix might be item|loop by default depending on the tag. Likewise:
[if-data table col] --> [if-PREFIX-data table col] [on-change mark] --> [PREFIX-change mark] [if-param param] --> [if-PREFIX-param param] [PREFIX-param N] --> [PREFIX-pos N] (where N is a digit)
4.11. [search-list]
You must always surround [search-list] with [search-region] [/search-region].
Embedded Perl changes quite a bit. While there are the $Safe{values} and other variable settings, they are automatically shared (no arg="values") and move to:
$Safe{values} --> $Values $Safe{cgi} --> $CGI $Safe{carts} --> $Carts $Safe{items} --> $Items $Safe{config} --> $Config $Safe{scratch} --> $Scratch
There are a number of other objects, see the docs.
Most other issues have more to do with the catalog skeleton (i.e. simple or barry or basic or art) than they do the core. For instance, the "basic" catalog produced for MV3 ran unchanged except for the issues discussed above.
4.12. Global subs
Accessing globalsubs from [perl] tags is done slightly differently.
Minivend 3 method:
[perl sub] myfunsub(); [/perl]
Minivend 4/IC method:
[perl subs=1] myfunsub(); [/perl]
If you do this wrong, you'll get an error that looks like this: H8gbq6oK: - [28/February/2001:18:58:50 -0500] testcat /cgi-bin/testcat.cgi Safe: Undefined subroutine &MVSAFE::myfunsub called at (eval 283) line 2.
A. Minivend 3 compatibility usertags and globalsubs
These files were originally distributed with Minivend 4 in the compat/ directory. They replace Minivend 3 functionality that was removed or greatly altered in Minivend 4.
A.1. body
UserTag body PosNumber 2 UserTag body Order type extra UserTag body Routine <<EOR use vars qw($C); sub parse_color { my ($var, $value) = @_; return '' unless $value; $var = lc $var; $C->{Color}->{$var} = []; @{$C->{'Color'}->{$var}} = split /\s+/, $value; return $value; } sub { my($scheme, $extra) = @_; my $r = '<BODY'; my ($var,$tag); #return '<BODY>' unless (int($scheme) < 16 and int($scheme) > 1); my %color = qw( mv_bgcolor BGCOLOR mv_textcolor TEXT mv_linkcolor LINK mv_vlinkcolor VLINK mv_alinkcolor ALINK mv_background BACKGROUND ); if (defined $::Values->{mv_resetcolors} and $::Values->{mv_resetcolors}) { delete $::Values->{mv_customcolors}; undef $::Values->{mv_resetcolors}; } if (defined $::Values->{mv_customcolors}) { foreach $var (keys %color) { $r .= qq| $color{$var}="| . $::Values->{$var} . '"' if $::Values->{$var}; } } else { foreach $var (keys %color) { $r .= qq| $color{$var}="| . ${$Vend::Cfg->{Color}->{$var}}[$scheme] . '"' if defined ${$Vend::Cfg->{Color}->{$var}}[$scheme] && ${$Vend::Cfg->{Color}->{$var}}[$scheme] !~ /\bnone\b/; } } $r =~ s#(BACKGROUND="(?!http:))([^/])#$1$Vend::Cfg->{ImageDir}$2#; $r .= " $extra" if defined $extra; $r .= '>'; } EOR AddDirective Mv_Background color AddDirective Mv_BgColor color AddDirective Mv_TextColor color AddDirective Mv_LinkColor color AddDirective Mv_AlinkColor color AddDirective Mv_VlinkColor color
A.2. buttonbar
# Returns a buttonbar by number UserTag buttonbar Order type UserTag buttonbar PosNumber 1 UserTag buttonbar Interpolate 1 UserTag buttonbar Routine <<EOR sub get_files { my($dir, @files) = @_; my(@out); my($file, $contents); foreach $file (@files) { config_error( "No leading ../.. allowed if NoAbsolute set. Contact administrator.\n") if $file =~ m#^\.\./.*\.\.# and $Global::NoAbsolute; push(@out,"\n") unless push(@out,readfile("$dir/$file.html")); } @out; } sub parse_buttonbar { my ($var, $value) = @_; return [] unless $value; my @c; my @vals = grep /\S/, split /\s+/, $value; for(@vals) { push @c, Vend::Util::readfile("pages/$_.html"); } return \@c; } sub { my($buttonbar) = @_; if (defined $Vend::Cfg->{'ButtonBars'}->[$buttonbar]) { return $Vend::Cfg->{'ButtonBars'}->[$buttonbar]; } else { return ''; } } EOR AddDirective ButtonBars buttonbar
A.3. form_mail.cfg
GlobalSub <<EndOfSub sub form_mail { my($to, $subject, $reply, $body) = @_; my($ok); $subject = '<no subject>' unless defined $subject && $subject; $reply = '' unless defined $reply; $reply = "Reply-to: $reply\n" if $reply; $ok = 0; SEND: { open(Vend::MAIL,"|$Vend::Cfg->{'SendMailProgram'} -t") or last SEND; print Vend::MAIL "To: $to\n", $reply, "Subject: $subject\n", "Errors-To: $Vend::Cfg->{MailOrderTo}\n\n", $body or last SEND; close Vend::MAIL or last SEND; $ok = ($? == 0); } if (!$ok) { logError("Unable to send mail using $Vend::Cfg->{'SendMailProgram'}\n" . "To '$to'\n" . "With subject '$subject'\n" . "With reply-to '$reply'\n" . "And body:\n$body"); } $ok; } EndOfSub
A.4. help
UserTag help PosNumber 1 UserTag help Order name UserTag help Routine <<EOR sub parse_help { my ($var, $value) = @_; my (@files); my (@items); my ($c, $chunk, $item, $help, $key); unless (defined $value && $value) { $c = {}; return $c; } $c = $C->{'Help'}; $var = lc $var; $C->{'Source'}->{'Help'} = $value; @files = get_files($C->{'PageDir'}, split /\s+/, $value); foreach $chunk (@files) { @items = split /\r?\n\r?\n/, $chunk; foreach $item (@items) { ($key,$help) = split /\s*\n/, $item, 2; if(defined $c->{$key}) { $c->{$key} .= $help; } else { $c->{$key} = $help; } } } return $c; } sub { my($help) = shift; # Move this to control section? if ($::Values->{mv_helpon}) { delete $::Values->{mv_helpoff}; undef $::Values->{mv_helpon}; } return '' if defined $::Values->{'mv_helpoff'}; if (defined $Vend::Cfg->{'Help'}{$help}) { return $Vend::Cfg->{'Help'}{$help}; } else { return ''; } } EOR AddDirective Help help
A.5. random_rotate
UserTag random PosNumber 0 UserTag random Interpolate 1 UserTag random Routine <<EOR package Vend::Config; sub parse_random { my ($var, $value) = @_; return '' unless (defined $value && $value); my $c = []; $var = lc $var; my @files = grep /\S/, split /\s+/, $value; local ($Vend::Cfg) = $C; for (@files) { push @$c, Vend::Util::readin($_) } return $c; } package Vend::Interpolate; sub { my $random = int rand(scalar(@{$Vend::Cfg->{'Random'}})); if (defined $Vend::Cfg->{'Random'}->[$random]) { return $Vend::Cfg->{'Random'}->[$random]; } else { return ''; } } EOR UserTag rotate PosNumber 2 UserTag rotate Order ceiling floor UserTag rotate Interpolate 1 UserTag rotate Routine <<EOR sub { return '' unless $Vend::Cfg->{Rotate}; my $ceiling = $_[0] || @{$Vend::Cfg->{'Rotate'}} || return ''; my $floor = $_[1] || 1; $ceiling--; $floor--; my $marker = "rotate$floor$ceiling"; if($ceiling < 0 or $floor < 0) { $floor = 0; $ceiling = scalar @{$Vend::Cfg->{'Rotate'}} - 1; logError "Bad ceiling or floor for rotate"; } my $rotate; $rotate = $Vend::Session->{$marker} || $floor; if($rotate > $ceiling or $rotate < $floor ) { $rotate = $floor; } $Vend::Session->{$marker} = $rotate + 1; return $Vend::Cfg->{'Rotate'}->[$rotate]; } EOR AddDirective Random random AddDirective Rotate random
A.6. AsciiBackend
GlobalSub <<EOS sub AsciiBackend { package Vend::Order; $Vend::Order::override_track_order = \&track_order; sub track_order_backend { my ($order_no,$order_report) = @_; my ($c,$i); my (@backend); @backend = split /\s*,\s*/, $Vend::Cfg->{BackendOrder}; if(@backend and $Vend::Cfg->{AsciiBackend}) { my(@ary); push @ary, $order_no; for(@backend) { push @ary, $::Values->{$_}; } foreach $i (0 .. $#$Vend::Items) { push @ary, $Vend::Items->[$i]{'code'}; push @ary, $Vend::Items->[$i]{'quantity'}; if ($Vend::Cfg->{UseModifier}) { foreach $j (@{$Vend::Cfg->{UseModifier}}) { push @ary, $Vend::Items->[$i]->{$j} } } } logData ($Vend::Cfg->{AsciiBackend}, @ary); } $Vend::Order::override_track_order->($order_no, $order_report); } *track_order = \&Vend::Order::override_track_order; } EOS AddDirective BackendOrder AddDirective AsciiBackend
5. History of Interchange
Interchange is a descendent of Vend, an e-commerce solution originally developed by Andrew Wilcox in early 1995. Mike Heins took the first publicly-released version, Vend 0.2, and added searching and DBM catalog storage to create MiniVend. Mike released MiniVend 0.2m7 on December 28, 1995. Subsequent versions of MiniVend took parts from Vend 0.3, especially the vlink and Server.pm modules, which were adapted to run with MiniVend. In the four years that followed, Mike Heins expanded and enhanced MiniVend, creating a powerful and versatile e-commerce development platform. MiniVend grew to support thousands of businesses and their e-commerce sites.
Separately, an experienced e-commerce development team founded Akopia. Their goal was to create a sophisticated open source e-commerce platform that was both feature-rich and easy to use. Their product, Tallyman, was intuitive, and had great content-management features, but lacked many of MiniVend's capabilities.
Akopia acquired MiniVend in June 2000. Mike Heins and the Tallyman developers combined MiniVend with Tallyman's features to create Interchange. Interchange replaces both MiniVend and Tallyman. In order to preserve compatibility, the name "minivend" and prefixes like "mv_" and "MVC_" will still appear in source code and configuration files.
In January 2001, Red Hat acquired Akopia and created its new E-Business Solutions Division. Interchange development is going forward and the user community continues to grow.
Copyright 2001 Red Hat, Inc. Freely redistributable under terms of the GNU General Public License.